Purchase Finance/Credit Sensibly
Obtaining a Finance/Credit Facility from a Financial Institution is a big commitment. The
applicants mostly do not consider the implications of the decisions they make concerning the
principal amount, profit they agree and tenure of the finances they obtain, and find themselves
in a stressful position as a result.
As a responsible applicant, the following should be considered:
a) First, ascertain whether applying for a finance is essential, or whether you are able to make
your desired purchase out of savings;
b) Create a clear budget, factoring in all of your income and monthly and adhoc expenses. This will
give you an idea of how much you can comfortably pay the financial institution as an installment
after you've taken care of your other financial obligations;
c) Understand the total profit payable on a short-term versus long-term finance tenures;
d) Work out the total cost of your finance amount (i.e. the finance amount plus the Total profit
payable and fees you'll end up paying).
How in Mawarid Finance PJSC, we help you to Purchase Finance/Credit wisely
At Mawarid Finance PJSC, we want to help the finance applicants make informed decisions about the
finance amount, total profit payable and finance tenor given their personal circumstances. By
purchasing the finances wisely to enable them to stay in control of their money.
We welcome our Finance/Credit facility applicants to contact our Customer Service team at
customerservice@mawarid.ae to get an accurate idea of how finance amount, total profit payable
and finance tenure may affect them - we are very happy to help!